betenoire05's Diaryland Diary


Help Wanted

Wanted: one grandmother type, between the ages of 55 to 70, for seasonal employment. Qualified candidate must be able to plan and cook large holiday meals, shop with various family members, carol, decorate,and attend social functions-including, but not limited to- tree lightings, nativity plays, homeroom parties, school holiday luncheons, choir concerts, and parades. Positive attitude a must. Benefits include respect, gratitude, and lots of toddler kisses.

Guess who's cooking Thanksgiving dinner, again?

My Mother doesn't "do" holidays. (She does enjoy dropping in for a good meal and leaving immediately after eating though.) Jack's Mother excells only in shopping. What a cop-out!

I decided that if my kids were going to have any positive memories about the holidays, it was up to me to create them. Sometimes I feel like an orphan. Sigh.

5:32 p.m. - November 26, 2003


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